

This virus has awoken us to our mortality and becoming aware of questioning and seeing the dysfunction.
Mortality was here before becoming aware of this virus, which you may not have allowed yourself to see.
The anxiety you may be experiencing is becoming aware of your mortality in which the nervous system becomes very activated as its only function is not to die.
Use these moments to discover what kind of life you want to be alive in living.
What have you made a priority that was not there before, and what is having you enjoy life? Create more of that and build on it.
I faced significant hardship 6 years ago and released so many attachments, which was a challenging detox.
What I can say is the most painful moments in my life served me in ways I could not understand then, yet at this moment, it all makes sense.
Resilience is grown in pain and/or challenges.
Keeping your heart open without armour is your superpower in navigating this world, which some call vulnerability.
Be open to receiving the possibilities that are always there; you simply need to have an open mind to see them.

Having a mindset to see that life is for us in leading us to harmony.

What is for your good does not mean you will get it in the way you want it.

I live in uncertainty daily as I am a fool who does not know how the winds will blow, yet I remain open to experiencing them.

Have reverence for your mortality and enjoy sharing it.
Together we will thrive.
Remain Healthy.