Becoming self-aware requires introspection


Becoming self-aware requires introspection, and once you take a peek of what is going on internally, you are aware of how thoughts can encourage or attack you depending on how you identify with them.
The way I refer to an enemy is not in refusal and the fighting way; instead, it's one of recognizing it has been misaligned because of the over personalizing and interpretation of experiences.
If you have a root identity that signals a message of "you are not good enough" or "you do not belong" or "you are bad" or "you are unsafe," then the mind finds the experiences to validate this belief of identity.
It becomes a type of self-attack.
Logically you would not think you would do this to yourself; however, once you go within and observe, you see differently.

A mind is a powerful tool we have access too yet it also requires that you do daily clean up.
Meditation is a tool that assists you in integrating and sweeping away all the processing that has been done by the mind.
Being mindful in your interactions allows space between thoughts, so you are present to see and not blindly automated.
Loving-kindness is the antidote for fear.
You have to remind yourself that this is an impermanent world and that matter changes, yet with this knowledge, you are safe to appreciate and serve what is here now.